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What cities does OffspringNet offer dial -up accounts in.

OffspringNet offers Nation wide in over 5000+ cities across the us and growing. To check your locations availability Click Here

Can I use OffspringNet with my webtv?

Yes you can, under “own ISP” enter your user name and password, then the access number.

Why can't I log onto OffspringNet when I type in the correct password and user name?

Make sure you are entering your user name in all lower case, and that your password does not have a "$", or "&" in it.

Why can't I get the news server to respond?

We currently do not have a news server. Go to our Web Links where you can get the latest news.

Why can't I connect at 56k with an X2 or Flex modem?

X2 and Flex modems are not supported on our server. Contact your modem manufacturer to see if there is an upgrade to V.90 for your modem. Often times the manufacturer's web page will have upgrade information. What throughput speeds can I expect to see with offspringNet? The highest possible with a V.90 modem is currently 53,333bps. The throughput speed depends on the modem, and your phone line. If there is static on the line or the line does not support V.90, throughput will be much less.


Why can't I connect at V.90 speeds?

Even though all our locations support V.90, this does not guarantee that you will get V.90 speeds. Connection speeds are dependent on many things including:

1) Phone line quality. check your phone line to see if it qualifies for V.90 speeds at: http://www.usr.com/products/line-test.asp.

2) Modem compatibility. The better the modem the better chance that your equipment and the ISP's will connect reliably and without failures. Windows LT modems are known for their problems and are the least expensive modem on the market.

3) Modem Firmware. DO you have an X2 modem made by US-Robotics. Well, try upgrading it to V.90, this should be the fix.

4) Operating system. Yes this does matter. If you have windows 95, you will want to upgrade your DUN to 1.3 off the microsoft website. ]

Those are just a few things that determine your connection speed, others include: distance of the POP that you are dialing into, computer hardware (old 386's, ahhhh!), modem drivers (update them!!), etc.


Why is win 95/98 so slow to log in?
Some Win95 users seem to have very slow logon times, as long as two or three minutes. The symptom is that Windows 95 will dial the number, successfully verify username and password, and then seem to hang for a very long time at the 'Logging on to Network' phase before completing the connection. The cause is Win95 is attempting to negotiate a connection with several network clients and protocols that are enabled by default for Dial-Up Networking. However, for use with Internet Service Providers, no network clients and protocols are required except the standard Internet TCP/IP protocol. The presence of unneeded network clients is normally harmless and the only effect is to slow down the login process as Win95 has to negotiate each of the network clients and protocols.

Since Internet Service Providers only support the TCP/IP protocol, we suggest disabling Win95's attempt to negotiate these network clients and protocols. To do so, open the "Dial-Up Networking" window in the "My Computer" folder, RIGHT click on the connection icon then select "Properties". In the properties configuration window that appears click the "Server Type" button and make certain that the "Log on to network", "NetBEUI" and "IPX/SPX Compatible" boxes are NOT checked. Click OK to save any changes required and close the properties configuration window. Your login should now take only a few seconds.

Your connection may have only recently began exhibiting the 'Win95 slow logon' problem. We are not sure what affects the normal negotiation timeout process. There are several different references to favors of the problem in the Microsoft technical support knowledge base. Our guess is that variable timing delays (called 'race' conditions) introduced by a particular conputer comfiguration, modem type, connection data rate, telephone line quality and load on our communications servers can all play a part Finally, you may have installed software or otherwise inadvertantly changed your Win95 configuration to cause additional unneeded network clients or protocols to be loaded.

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